Phineas and Ferb Porn Story: Blasphemous Rumors Chapter 4

Phineas and Ferb Porn Story: Blasphemous Rumors Chapter 4

Girl of eighteen…

(Two years, two months, three hours, and four minutes later)

It was eight thirty where the Flynns lived in as the two brothers were getting ready to go to bed, even if they didnt want at first.

Nice of the princess to invite us over for a picnic, eh Ferb? asked Phineas with an impersonalized voice. Ferb gives Phineas an almost exasperated glare.

Oh, come on Ferb, everyone knows the dumb CD-I code has its so bad, its good certificate to be recognized for Replied Phineas. Normally, theyd build a whole gathering of inventions to have their boredom vanish. Yet they found it fun to rely on the simplistic nature of what others did to keep themselves entertained.

Ever since their own sister gave up her personality to satisfy the world, she became like a role model to them.

Not by me, it doesnt Replied Ferb, almost sternly.

Phineas sighed. Step-brothers usually arent supposed to see through the same standpoints in mostly everything in life. Unless they were able to at first yet failed to later on, fortuitously breaking that stand alone bond.

Sure it was satisfying to feel normal for a change, yet he could bet quite a lot Ferb wasnt the same either. This wasnt a bad thing in terms of a more habitual communication, but neither a good thing in which boredom had him become a less provocative person than he used to be.

Meaning they both at times desired to have the old Candace back. The person they knew who although was defined by her bipolar complexity and persistent tone was more interesting and fun, at least someone of higher standards than the calm fanatic occupying her body.

It was only because of the near-to-death experience she had more than two years ago for why Candace didnt want to become engulfed in the airs of what once defined her ego yet the basis for her misery as well. Now she was someone youd expect not to exist anymore in a modern society. Every day, she carried the same bible given to her from that same person who although meant quite much to her, sadly, wasnt much of a threat anymore.

Not to her romance life.

If there was one trait from which Candace wasnt condoned for was more appeal. Every day, she wore a class of uniform only people from the early twentieth century wore perhaps. It may have been as repetitive as her original outfit consisting of a pink shirt with and a red skirt, but no one else seemed to wear what she now wore as a white dress over brown slacks.

Her room was not as tremendously adorned anymore. In her closet, most of her clothes were almost the same, with the exception of what season it was. The only CDs she seemed to listen to from then on were either from Gregorian music, or at least this nearly bland group called Apologetix.

It was true. Her family admired and even loved this new member who defined high caliber when it dealt with keeping happiness in place. But secretly, they could never get used to something else when theyve become so habituated with another for the past sixteen years.

In other words, they wanted a sister and a daughter, not an angel.

Sadly, Candace never knew this about her own family as they were too thankful to avoid hiding behind deceit. They tried hard to understand what it was Candace saw in her own religion that made her that way. It was just a matter of knowing Candace had sacrificed her persona to permanently hold the belief her life was to obey someone she was too dedicated to consider even the slightest ounce of scientific evidence to prove existed.

It was a shame Candace could never be aware of the ideal truth trying to show her she really didnt belong in this world anymore. No human on earth could have the decent courage to tell her. It was the key reason to why everything would remain as it is.

Yet just like life, this confidence could never last. Candace would never see it coming even if she had to remain dependant of her knowledge on just one piece of prose.

All Candace was performing was the act of confession within the Saint Downeys church. She was inside one of the ports of confession. All she wanted to spit up was the thoughts within her head that could have been trying to get her on the verge of doing something wrong. Candidly, she was only there to waste the priests time instead of actually confessing.

It was nine twenty six as of then.

But that cant be true, man was made to suffer for the sake of serving the lord She said.

Yes, but in order for such a deed to be carried out, one mustnt put their trust on apathy, as it strays away from the road of rectitude He replied.

I know people need help, and when they get it, that should be enough. Nobody can ever be dissolved under the belief theyd need more than enough. In the first reading from the book of Samuel, section 29, the Philistines no longer doused their trust on David for a legitimate reason. You dont think the boy who cried wolf was just made up out of thin air, do you? She retaliated, almost incensed.

Yes, I can comprehend what youre trying to correspond towards He began.

But take note that this reading was based off the Old Testament, which lead a corrupt view among numerous evangelists throughout the original millennium. No one could have the sense of hearing their march of accomplishments without gaining even an ounce of confusion overall.

Her eyes still widened, even if Candace wasnt as surprised yet.

If what youre saying is true, why do we need to teach them all anyhow? Shouldnt any method serve well when the message isnt changed? She asked.

Thats a good question, and a good answer follows within the New Testament, which bases itself more on Jesus life between events and mistakes that although could nearly be considered irreverent, still base themselves on mistakes The priest replied, not needing to emerge calmer than he actually was being

I dont know what this New Testament is, but it sure sounds irreverent regardless of whatever mistakes. Jesus is the son of God, everyone knows that. Only he can unwillingly commit acts that give mortals the impression-

Wait; forgive me for stopping this conversation Interrupted the Priest.

Did you say mortals?

Yes. It doesnt matter how I call them, the point is Jesus does actions for a reason. Even if that reason looks indistinguishable in the beginning, later on it begins to take shape, and thus be explained sufficiently within the Bible

Thats what Im trying to say. Jesus may have been a subliminal miracle worker, but hes like all of us deep down inside Replied the priest.

He knew Candace might be becoming ticked off from this, so he chose something alternate.

Its much simpler than you think. The seventh commandment sates Thou shall not commit adultery, correct? In the reading of Saint Mathias, section 19, Jesus says this at first, but when man was chosen to be not one, but two in separate, with gratitude from the will of God, even that can be forgiven. Even if others renounce this religion, there really is no difference, God created us in his own image, just like his son

The priest supposed this was perhaps enough to convince her. This couldnt have been nearly in vain if someone like him had proven with basic facts of unquestionable beliefs. It was a disappointment he assumed though, for that reason alone, he couldnt have been anymore wrong.

He couldnt hear anything else more than the door opening and closing. From there and on, it was silent and late.

The darkness no longer mattered to her when she walked outside. The only thing on Candaces mind was utter confusion towards what she had at first thought could clear it instead of making it larger. She had wasted almost four minutes inside that port, with information only someone not as bewildered as her could put together.

Nobody is perfect God! Why dont you want all of us to enter your sanctified realm? Candace yelled.

It gave her a feeling, that wasnt feeble enough to doubt familiar after lingering for a short while. A feeling she thought didnt exist anymore and so wasnt going to bother her anymore.

Candace stopped walking, unaware she was in the middle of the desolate highway. While kneeling down, she didnt want anything else interrupting her when she was making an effort to unbundle her ideas.

I feel like recently, Ive been walking in circles! Have I failed you God? Have I gone too far as so to have disconnected my commiseration for the lives of us mortals so I could serve you well? AM I STILL DROWNED BY THE LACK OF PRIDE IN MY PITYFUL LIFE!? Candace yelled.

Nothing could be as excessive as to distract her once she has been focused on so much while she remained alert. If that hadnt been true, she would have had time to dodge the two fatal glows which hit her almost too quick to have been excruciating.

The first one was the elaborate feeling of dj vu as she closed her eyes in order to get a better image. Her mind drove her back to the paranoid train of thought she once had. After that event, Candace figured out more than she knew. But one of the most controversial things she got was her nave idea that of which told her she never deserved to die.

The second glow proved her wrong. For this glow wasnt a strong epiphany, but as she opened her eyes, she soon saw it was something less predictable: fate. Nothing else was seen except two expanding lights before Candace unconsciously struck the roads asphalt.


It was just about nine thirty when the car knocked her landing forcefully to the ground.


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