Phineas and Ferb Porn

Phineas and Ferb Porn Story: The Underground City Chapter 1

Phineas and Ferb Porn Story: The Underground City Chapter 1

The Underground City

It was an unusually
cold day for Summer in Danville. Phineas and Ferb were just getting
ready for breakfast when they overheard Candace talking loudly to her
mother. It seemed, from the gist of the argument, that due to the
cold her mother had told her to wear a coat, but, wanting Jeremy to
see her in her new skirt, she had protested against this. At long
last she gave in and took the coat, but as soon as she reached the
bust stop (for she was headed for the Mall) she deposited it behind a
bush. Meanwhile Phineas and Ferb had got downstairs and had begun to
eat their breakfast, of milk and cereal, and their mother looked at
her watch with a worried look on her face. “What’s the matter,
mom?” asked Phineas, “Why do you look so worried?” “Oh
it’s nothing… just that your father said he’d be downstairs five
minutes ago. We’re going to meet some friends for a game of bowling
at the alley” “I didn’t know you were into bowling”
“Well… it’s your father who is into it mostly… but I try to
take an interest in what he likes” “Guess that makes sense”
said Phineas, as Ferb examined the plastic toy that came with their
cereal. “What did we get, Ferb?” “Another yellow
unicorn” “Oh well… let’s hope we find that golden unicorn
tommorow” Their mother had gone upstairs to fetch their father
and when she returned they saw them both dressed in coats. Their
father said “It’s strange isn’t it boys? This cold spell… in
the middle of Summer” “Have a great time bowling mom, dad”
said Phineas. “We will” said their parents. “Well
Ferb, I can’t think of anything to do today. Let’s watch some tv”

Candace sat next to
Stacy on a food court seat. She held her mobile in her hand and said
“You see I’ve set up this surveillance system of spy cameras
about the house. That way whenever Phineas and Ferb are up to
something all I have to do is press record, and it saves the footage
on my phone. Then I can show mom and they’ll be so busted!”
“Candace… you really need to see someone and get some help…”
“Stacy, I tell you I’m not joking. They’re always doing stuff…
And soon I’ll be able to prove it!” At that moment Jeremy
arrived and sat next to the girls. “Hello Candace, Stacy”
“Hello Jeremy” said Candace. “I like your new haircut”
“Actually I’ve got a new dress” “Yes i saw that too…
but your new haircut is really… something. It’s great to see you’re
being an individual- not letting those conformist trends control your
personality!” Candace began to feel worried. “What do you
mean? I haven’t got a new haircut” “Well something about
your do looks different…” Candace, wondering what could be
wrong, took a mirror from Stacy and observed herself closely. “Oh
no… In my rush to get to the mall, and my argument with mom… I
must have forgotten to comb my hair! This is a disaster!” “I
think it looks nice, Candace. It really says a lot about your care
free attitude to life and how you don’t care what others think about
y-” “Sorry Jeremy, Stacy- but I’ve got to go comb my hair
in the bathroom!” “-Oh well… I guess it did look a bit
messy. Hey Stacy, did you watch American Idol last night? I thought
Donna was awful…”

Meanwhile, as Candace’s
attention was diverted from Phineas and Ferb by Jeremy and her bad
hair day situation, the boys were busy watching tv. It being a
Saturday there were cartoons on. “Hey Ferb, this cartoon gives
me an idea! You know how they’ve gone underground in that burrowing
machine… and discovered that underground city inhabited by the mole
creatures? I think I know what we’re going to do today!”

Candace had combed her
hair and now returned to find Jeremy and Stacy engaged in a
conversation about movies. Sitting down she looked at her phone.
Phineas and Ferb were nowhere to be seen. “Aha! I knew they’d be
up to something while I was gone! Now to simply wait until they come
back and bust them!” “Hey Candace” “Er yes
Jeremy?” “Would you like to come see a movie with me-”
“I’d love to!” “-and Stacy and some of my friends?”
“I’d… love to” They went to the cinema. “Let’s
see… which film should we watch?” said Jeremy. One of his
friends said “Well seeing as you’re buying the tickets you
should choose” “Yeah… but maybe Candace would like to?”
Candace blushed and said her choice. They went in and sat down, and
waited for the film to start. Candace sat next to Jeremy. Phineas and
Ferb could be trying to take over the world all she cared.

Phineas and Ferb were
of course not trying to take over the world, but, rather had built a
burrowing machine, with a screw at the front which turned, allowing
it to bury deep into the Earth’s underground. Isabella had been
invited to come along, and Buford and Baljeet joined them too. With
that spirit of adventure and imagination so alive in kids during the
holidays Phineas declared himself Captain Phineas of the Flynn and
Fletcher Centre of the Earth Expedition Team. Ferb was given title of
First Mate, and Buford was Skipper. Isabella was given the title of
Master and Baljeet that of Commander. “And to think” said
Ferb as the machine made it’s first metres of progress downwards-
“that none of us know what any of our titles mean” “Except
me of course, everyone knows what the Captain is” said Phineas.
“Ay ay Captain” added Isabella. “Donward we go then”
said Phineas, who broke into song. “Downward we go then,
downward we go. Downward we go then, downward we go. Going ever
deeper, Digging ever further, Downward we go then, downward we go!
Nothing is more easier- than dropping down below! In our tunnelling
machine, downward we go! Downward to the centre of the planet!”
Isabella clapped and Phineas bowed. Then she said “Wait a
minute, didn’t you say your platypus was coming with you?”
“That’s a point Isabella! Where’s Perry?”

Perry had managed to
sneak away to the secret message receiving room beforehand and was
now on his way to Doofenshmirtz’s skyscraper. Monogram’s information
had been vague, and all he was aware of was that Doofenshmirtz had
purchased a copious amount of clay, string, and coal. When he arrived
he crashed through the window to find his enemy seated at a potter’s
wheel, hard at work shaping a vase. “Ahh, Perry! You’re just in
time to see my first piece. And look- not a single imperfection! And
now to simply lift it from the wh- Ooh dear! Oh now I shall have to
begin all over again. Well Perry, seeing as we are old
acquaintances… I may as well let you into a little secret. That
wasn’t my first attempt at making pottery” Doofenshmirtz threw
the fallen creation into a pile of broken clay vessels near six
metres high. “Well now that you’re here Perry, perhaps we can do
some pottery together? I bought this little miniature wheel just for
you. See? It has a miniature kiln and everything” Perry sat at
the wheel and began to turn it but all of a sudden a net fell and
trapped him, held down by four clay weights at it’s corners, crudely
shapen. “Aha! You fell for my trap, Perry! And now to show you
my real plan! You see, ever since I was a little boy in Druselstain I
have been worse at everything my brother does. He always bettered me
at everything. Except pottery. His one weakness is my one opportunity
to beat him once and for all! He was never very gifted at making
pottery, you see- and if I become a master potter he shall have to
acknowledge I have finally bettered him at something!” Perry
looked about him but didn’t see anything particularly evil in any of
this. “So you see, I plan, once I have refined my potter’s
skills- to contruct a giant statue of myself of clay and place it
where his statue is, after destroying his statue with my Statue
Destroy-inator. As Mayor he gets a fancy statue in the park in the
centre of town… and once I replace his statue with my likeness-
then he shall have to admit defeat! Now, let’s see… maybe this time
it will work” The vessel he had been making fell spectacularly.
“Curse you, Roger! But I shall better you, just you see!”

Meanwhile Phineas and
Ferb’s machine had burrowed near to the mantle and it had got very
hot within the machine. “Luckily for us, I have installed a
temperature regulator. It’s cutting edge stuff” “How does
it work, Phineas?” asked a curious Isabella. “Well… that
I don’t know… But the salesman says it’s cutting edge.”
Phineas switched on the regulator which made the inside of the
machine a comfortable room temperature. They spent some hours
enjoying the ride, playing games and so forth.

“Wow Phineas, we
must be near the centre now! Look at all the molten rock!” said
a fascinated Isabella. “Yes, we’re nearing the outer core now.
If we keep our speed steady we will reach the centre of the Earth in
two hours time!” “I’ll put a roll of film in my camera”
said Buford. Looks were given at him. “Not that I’m into
photography or anything… I mean we are going to the centre of the
Earth… we might as well take a picture of the occasion”
“Yeah… I guess you’re right Buford. It’s not every day we do
this sort of thing. Hello… the density reader is showing an odd
anomaly ahead of us” Buford “A what?” “It means
theres a bubble of air within all this molten rock… And we’re
headed straight for it” Isabella then said “But what caused
it? How did a bubble get down here?” “It is surprising…
the intense heat down here doesn’t convert solid and liquid to gas
because it’s kept at a high pressure. But perhaps… Hmm… It
certainly seems odd. We will hit it in about five minutes. Perhaps we
should stop and have a look at it. It’s as big as a city”

Meanwhile Doofenshmirtz
had got so frustrated by the failure of his pottery creations to stay
in shape that he decided to build the statue of cement and pour it
into a mould. “Now Perry, i shall just be at the cement store.
Don’t touch anything while i’m gone okay? Hmm… I will need to
construct the statue in hundreds of moulds and then fit them
together, or the cement would take too long to cool down. I’d better
visit the hardware store too” Perry looked about him for a means
to escape. The net was held fast by the heavy clay weights at it’s
corners, but, seeing it was held in place from above by a long rope
that was fastened to a wooden beam, which connected with the trap’s
mechanics, Perry pulled on the rope and upset the wooden beam which
fell at a fast pace and knocked Doofesnhmirtz down. It was but a
simple matter then to inform Monogram by Doofenshmirtz’s mobile phone
of his success. Monogram then sent Roger a message explaining that he
should install security guards on patrol about the park’s statue to
prevent any funny business. Perry then made his escape. “Curse
you Perry the platypus!”

Meanwhile Candace and
Jeremy had finished watching the film, and, being in no hurry to let
him out of her sight, Candace invited him to her place, knowing he
was welcome any time to come. They walked alone together all the way
home and came across Perry, who, having seen a giant hole indicative
of the burrowing machine’s progress in the backyard, had gone to the
front yard to distract them. “Oh, isn’t he a cute little fellow”
said Jeremy. “I’m glad you like him. He isn’t that interesting,
seeing as platypus don’t really do anything, but I guess he’s kinda
cute” Perry knew there was little he could do now, but this was
fine, because it seemed his plan was working. Jeremy having picked
him up took him within and he was seated with them on the couch (the
television having been left on). Now Candace and Jeremy were happily
together and away from the hole.

The air pocket had
finally appeared. The machine fell through it fast, and soon what
appeared like a grid appeared beneath them, with glowing lines making
it up. “Huh, that’s an odd phenomenom” said Phineas,
consulting his Guide to Scientific Phenomenae and Their Causes. “It
may be phosphorescant rock… No… The pattern doesn’t make any
sense for that to be the case… Huh… I could swear those were
little people walking along little str… Hey Ferb! I think we’ve
come across a underground city!” “But who built it?”
inquired Isabella. “Hmm… perhaps an ancient race who once
lived above ground but were forced below by famine and evolved to
withstand the heat… No… evolution isn’t fast enough for that…
that would be impossible… It would require massive amounts of
burrowing and hard work which even today would be impossible. It must
be a race from another planet!” The machine came to the other
side of the pocket and then Phineas reversed it and returned to the
surface of the pocket, like an inverse world where the atmosphere was
rock and the planet air. Even miniature weather conditions were
evident, in small cloud formations and wind. Having got out of their
machine Phineas and Ferb and their friends found themselves in a city
street, but built of rock and glowing with green rather than white
lights. There were cars and people, but not people like on the
surface of the planet. They were alien looking. “Hey Ferb, these
look like those aliens we saw at our star… Perhaps they’re related”
“But how did they get down here?” asked Isabella. “That
is a very long story indeed” replied a voice from behind them,
and they turned to see an alien looking at them, wearing a sash that
indicated he was of some social importance. “I am Mayor
Wazpuqwath, of the city of Tarawalazyagon. I have been expecting you
for some time. I knew sooner or later you’d visit the centre of the
Earth. We Tarawalazyagonians were once from a once very distant and
quite small planet called Valros, which collided with the Earth
during it’s formation. Valros had a much hotter climate than you
experience today, but Earth’s temperature then was near our old
planets, so when Valros broke up our city became part of the Earth.
The rest of Valros became the planet you know as Mars.” “So
there was life on Mars after all?” asked Buford. “No…
there was water, certainly, for a short period after the planet had
cooled and at atmosphere formed, but after a while greenhouse effects
soon eroded away the atmosphere. Our city is the only part of Valros
to have survived. We know of you and your civilization because we
have very advanced technology, we have devices which allow us to,
using radar and a system similar to television, see what is happening
anywhere in the galaxy. The aliens of which you speak are indeed
relatives of ours, and we both originate from the same history, on a
planet called Mylidar.” “So… you aren’t hostile or
anything are you?” asked Baljeet. “No, we shall not harm
you. But we certainly would be happy to tell you more about Valros…
if you’d like” “Oh well that’s great, but I think we have
to go, our mom will expect us home for dinner in three hours”
“Oh well. It was nice meeting you Phineas” “Hey”
said Buford, “If you know about everything… do you know what
will happen to us in the future? What jobs we’ll get?” “No…
we can certainly scan any part of the galaxy with our radar
machine… but we only scan one place at a time… and we can not
predict the future. Well, good day to you, young travellers!”
And so Phineas Ferb and their friends left the underground alien city
in their burrowing machine.

When they arrived back
at the surface of Earth they parked the machine in the garage just as
their parents arrived home. Phineas and Ferb went upstairs to get
ready for dinner, and Candace and Jeremy were still watching tv
together. Her parents arrived and asked whether the boys had been up
to anything that day unusual. Candace replied she didn’t think they
had. She had been so busy enjoying her time with Jeremy that she’s
completely forgotten about them. “You should spend more time
with Jeremy dear. It seems to cure your insanity” Just then
Phineas and Ferb came downstairs for dinner, and their mother
inquired where Perry was. “He’s on the couch with Candace and
Jeremy I think” said Phineas. And so he was. “I think I’ll
go and water the flower bed in the back yard” said his mother.
The hole where the machine had burrowed was still there.

It may be proper at
this point to explain why the burrowing machine had not created a
volcanic effect, after all, it had tunnelled deep into the Earth.
Well the machine did create a path for itself, but, the pressures of
the Earth being so high, and our old friend gravity having a
prominent part to play, the magma had merely refilled the hole after
the machine had passed, so as not to leave any trace of it ever
having been there. However of course at the surface conditions are,
whilst similar, less aesthetically pleasing, as of course the lawn
was still destroyed in the area where the machine had burrowed, and
there was still a hole and an area of dirt to mark it’s having
tunnelled in that vicinity.

But as Phineas and
Ferb’s mother was about to water the flowers and spot the hole,
Phineas and Ferb’s father was showing off the bowling trophy they’d
won, and their mother decided the flowers were fine as it wasn’t that
hot a day, so went back inside and didn’t see the hole. And what
became of it? Well it just so happened that Perry, having managed to
escape from notice by Candace of Jeremy just before dinner was
served, went to the backyard and pulled an inflatable pool over it to
cover it. And so, when the hole was finally discovered, the blame
went not to Phineas and Ferb but to the manufacturer of the pool, and
so yet another adventure came to a close, leaving Phineas and Ferb to
consider what they would do the next day.

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