Phineas and Ferb Porn

Phineas and Ferb Porn Story: Times Change – Chapter 16

Phineas and Ferb Porn Story: Times Change – Chapter 16

Absolutely none of you realize how much you will enjoy this….

Times have changed. A boy walks down a typical Danville road, he wasn’t going anywhere in particular, he hadn’t had a destination in mind, not for so long, back when he could be considered a boy, now, he was just an empty shell, a place where a child, full of imagination, happiness, ambition, and for a time, love, once lived. But it’s dead now, the heart and soul of Phineas Flynn had been dead for almost 2 years, 2 long years that had felt like an eternity in hell, 2 long years of emptiness, 2, long, long, years, without Isabella.

Ever since he lost Isabella to the simulator, the tri-state area had been crawling with FBI agents looking for her, trying to find a trace of Isabella, with the only clues possible to them being the boys, as the last time Isabella was seen by her mother, when she left to hang out with them. As a result of this, Phineas and Ferb spent one and a half months of those two years basically living in small interrogation rooms, as they had to continue to claim not knowing anything about her disappearance, they spent 5 weeks rewording the phrase, “I don’t know, the day before, she was hanging out at our house, she left to go home, then we never saw her again” to the officials, who simply wouldn’t believe that someone could just disappear without leaving a single trace of their whereabouts anywhere, leading them to believe that Phineas and Ferb must know something, however by the sixth week, they had to close the investigation due to absolutely no progress, to the disappointment of everyone but the boys, who simply felt relief, as they could relax, without anyone trying to get anything out of them. Isabella’s mother, however, had become paranoid during the first 6 weeks, believing that Phineas and Ferb did in fact know something, after the authorities gave up, she resorted to every private investigator she could find, hiring them to follow Phineas and Ferb, listen to them, causing them even more grief, making Phineas almost more silent as Ferb, once they knew they were being tracked, they had to not risk saying anything, anywhere, not even at night, when they were alone, they feared the consequences too much to talk about it, but they mostly didn’t want to have to be reminded about it any more than they already had been.

The P.I’s stopped, but by the time they had, school was just around the corner, bringing with it a tidal wave of gossiping girls, who claimed that Phineas and Ferb did something crazy like put her into a shipping container and send her off to china, rude people of both sexes who would keep asking like a 5 year old kid begging for the last cookie in the jar just out of reach, “So, come on man, what happened to her?” And then there were the teachers, who Phineas could be sure that talked just as much as the stupid girls, however did so in the privacy and secrecy of the staffroom, he could see it in their eyes, they were judging him, blaming him for whatever had happened to her, it took all of his energy to not scream at them all that he didn’t know anything, since he knew it would give her away, eventually, the only release was when he silently cried himself to sleep, while at any other times he was as stoic as Ferb, however Phineas just didn’t think he had as much to bear, he wasn’t in love with the lost girl. Thankfully, Phineas was kept slightly more sane during the school year when he heard her voice, Isabella’s voice, he couldn’t hear it saying anything other than the last two words she said to him, “Goodbye Phineas” they played in his head, like a broken record, always helping and hurting him at the same time, but it all became too much for him at the end of the first year, one night, he was lying in bed, crying as always, but he couldn’t help himself, he began to sob, oh so quietly, but still audible enough for Ferb to hear that Phineas still was hurting, even after a year, he had only gotten worse, it was horrible.

The second year had gotten better, in at least one respect, which was that people had seemed to let the Isabella issue rest, though the occasional person might bring it up, more often than not it would simply be because Phineas would be walking by and they wanted to see if they could get any reaction from him, but it was basically old news, Phineas could now, hopefully begin to recover. However, things began to change for Phineas and Ferb, they had started separating, Ferb would barely talk to Phineas, the two most never did anything together anymore, when Phineas went to apply for a job at Mr. Slushie Burger, Ferb didn’t even go along for support, he just seemed to be busy with schoolwork, however no one would have been able to tell that it upset or annoyed Phineas, by then, anything anyone said to him, he absorbed, because he had become empty, so empty that he didn’t have a heart left to ache from the words people said, didn’t have any tears to shed, so he went for the job on his own, luckily he got in, for good pay too, like it mattered though, he simply had to keep himself occupied now, without anyone to hang out with time would pass at a fraction of the real speed, despite the fact that their lives seemed to be defining themselves and moving on faster than ever before.

It’s the first few weeks of Summer now, Phineas has recently turned 15, he now really just sleeps, eats and works, he doesn’t have hobbies, he doesn’t have friends, he just has himself now, he barely felt connected to Ferb by now, he was just, living with him, all he couldn’t figure out was why Ferb was doing this, he had just unexpectedly started to drift away from him, he couldn’t be bothered to ask him anymore, if it was for schoolwork, which it couldn’t have been, then that was that, he seemed to be wrapped up in a simple assignment when he left to walk, so he was clearly just finding time to avoid him, there couldn’t have been any other reason. Phineas is walking down this typical Danville road, without a destination in mind, as the cloud cover is fairly heavy for a Summer’s day, creating a slight chill, enough to make him wrap his new leather coat around him, at least he could buy new clothes with his money, he had nothing else to spend it on, most of it he gifted to Ferb or donated to charity, but what was left he spent on his threads, he still didn’t care, but he decided to get new ones and wear them anyway, he was walking randomly around the place, when he felt his old phone buzzing in his pocket, which he retrieved. can u come back home, soon? -F Phineas put the phone away, turning around, not knowing what Ferb could want that he would text him for the first time in several months, but he decided not to wait to find out, eventually he broke into a slow jog, heating himself up against the cool air.

Phineas, only slightly out of breath, emerged into the back yard, seeing Ferb, well, he saw his hands at least, covering his eyes from behind, walking forward, pushing Phineas along with him, “Ferb, what are you doing, I don’t have time-” He couldn’t concentrate on what he was saying as he was blindly led through the yard, until he pulled Ferb’s hands away from his eyes and turned to face him, saying, “I don’t have time for some stupid game, now what is it?” Ferb sighed, “I wanted to surprise you.” Phineas didn’t understand him, until Ferb spun him around and directed his eyes down, where he saw a small, metal sphere. Just as Phineas had kept Isabella’s voice in his mind, Ferb had held onto the sphere, though Phineas had assumed he got rid of it the day after the incident, he didn’t understand why he had held on to it though. He turned back to Ferb and said, “What do you want, to remind me of what I’ve lost, to just make me feel even worse, how is that supposed to be a surprise?” Ferb simply reached into his pocket and pulled out a small remote control, with a single button on it, which he aimed at the sphere and pressed, which was followed by a small whirring sound, as, to Phineas’ amazement, the sphere grew, and grew, and grew, until it was slightly bigger than the house.

Phineas, for the first time in over 6 months, began to show emotion, the first of which was confusion, followed by slight fear, he began rambling questions out at Ferb, what happened, how was it working, when did he do this, until he just lost all thought for words entirely, at which point Ferb said, “Every time I didn’t want to go with you somewhere, I was working on this” Phineas then found his vocabulary again, “But, you’ve always gotten great grades, you work harder than anyone else in the school on your work, ho-” He stopped, as Ferb held out his latest report card, which showed some of Ferb’s worst grades ever, B’s, B minuses and C’s, with the exception of one A in electronics, which Ferb could pass without even making an effort. Phineas’ eyes widened, as he realized everything that had happened the last year between the two was all because of this, Ferb had been fixing it, for him, but, “Why?” Ferb had the answer ready to that one for a long time, “I heard you, nearly a year ago, I heard you crying, I knew you couldn’t let this go, I realized I couldn’t either.” Phineas, never happier with Ferb more than now, asked one more thing, “But, what about, about,” It had been so long, he didn’t want to say the name, out of fear that he was going to feel sorrow again, but Ferb answered the unfinished question for him, “You’ll have to find out.”

Phineas, knowing he was right, nodded at Ferb, turned around and slowly, hesitantly, walked up to the door, pushing against it, which opened to his touch, revealing the all too familiar white chamber that still haunted Phineas on some nights, as he heard another relic of the past, the female computer voice, echo out of the walls, “Hello, Phineas Flynn, welcome to the P and F virtual universe simulator, please make your selection.” Phineas, with a shaky hand, selected Paradise from the menu, then quickly withdrew it as the display disappeared and a circle of light appeared before him, making him slightly nervous, though he stepped into it nonetheless, while the computer voice resounded again, “Final confirmation. You have selected ‘Paradise’, please step into a lighted area and remove or turn off any wireless devices.” Phineas reached a dilemma here, as he didn’t know whether or not to leave it in his pocket in case the simulator started screwing up again, or to leave it to make sure that there was no way for anything to interfere. Though he only had a few seconds, so he decided to keep it in his pocket this time, as the light pillar blocked all but the computer’s voice, “Please keep your hands and feet inside the light beam at all times, enjoy your trip and remember, P and F productions makes every day an adventure!

His eyes opening, Phineas saw, to his surprise, happiness and slight angst, the same beach, that same damned beach that he saw his girlfriend screaming on, as he had to just watch her suffering, he hated that memory, he had always tried to forget it, but being here, it was too much, especially since he didn’t know what to do now. So he began to look around, checking each and every cabin, looking everywhere on the beach, trying to find some sort of sign, only to find exactly what he did the last time he was here, minus Isabella. He felt like screaming, he would be doing this for hours at this rate, but suddenly, a harsh wind picked up, blowing the loose bits of sand with it, creating, from a birds eye view, a river of sand, right next to the ocean of water. Phineas could barely see in the sandstorm, let alone try to walk against it, so, with his coat taking most of the sand for him, he walked where the wind took him, eventually pulling himself out of the white cloud, seeing that he was on an upward trail, one that, yes, that was it, Phineas quickly took his coat off, since it would weigh him down, and began to run full pelt up the trail.

10 minutes later, a panting Phineas came to a slow stop, as he came up to the top of the trail, at the point of Perfection, he knew she would be here, he just knew it. He walked over to the bench, the same bench that she had confessed to him all those years ago, he looked left, right, behind him, finding, nothing. After all this searching, he found nothing, there was no one here, he had completely lost everything, again, after getting his hopes up, he sat down on the bench, put his face into his hands and just let all the sadness that he had held back for two years, flow through him, he cried, long and hard, he cried like he did the day the simulator was destroyed, he kept on crying, until the tears and the sniveling had stopped, it was just him, holding his face in his hands.

“Maybe I should just leave you alone, then.”

In any other circumstance, Phineas would have thought he was hallucinating, but here, now, he knew that voice, he slowly lifted his head out of his palms, seeing the most beautiful sight in the world, the one thing he thought he’d never see again, he saw Isabella, sitting right next to him, looking the same as she had that day. He reached a hand out, touching her face, making sure it was real, as a smile began to crack over his face, Isabella said the one thing that made the smile expand even faster, “What’cha do-in?” Phineas simply reached forward and pulled her closer to him, hugging her tighter than a kindergarten girl who had lost their favorite teddy bear, holding her so close to him so he would never risk losing her again, he held her for so long, until he felt like he could look at her again. He observed what the simulator had done to her, from what he could figure, it seemed to have reversed the time freezing property of the simulator, while it normally would freeze time on the outside, time for her must have been held in stasis, as she didn’t look a day older than the last time he had seen her, resulting in a height difference, as he stood up with her to go back to the village, of almost a foot and a half, along with the visual differences, like how his face showed much more maturity than hers now, it didn’t bother him anymore, he just wanted to be able to look at her again.

By the time they had reached the village, Phineas had explained everything that had happened over the two year period that she was ‘missing’, with some things surprising Isabella, like how her mother actually called investigators to look at him and Ferb, along with other things, but not long after they sat down on the sand to look out at the ocean did Phineas then ask, “So what happened to you? When I got forced out, Ferb had said your mind and body were merged with the simulator, but because it got destroyed, we didn’t know for sure, what happened?” Isabella, who hadn’t really said anything since the point of Perfection, took a breath, and started, “Well, I don’t know, exactly, I guess my mind and body being merged with it kind of makes sense, I can’t remember the whole thing, I was just in so much pain after I turned the phone on, everything was fading to white, I just remember wanting you to get out safely, I couldn’t see you anymore though, then, suddenly, it was just, nothing. Just me, I was surrounded by white, I wasn’t moving, but it felt like I was falling through nothingness, I was scared, I just wished that I was back on the paradise, I kept thinking of me being here, being safe, suddenly, it happened, I was standing right where I was imagining about, I didn’t understand it, I just figured it was a coincidence, but then, later on, I was getting hungry, I didn’t know what I’d do, I didn’t know how to get out, so I just tried to put up with it, but then, I got so hungry and I started to remember the campfire we had with everyone else when we ate the food over the fire, I thought about how much I’d like to eat it again, then it happened, a campfire had appeared, it was suddenly evening, even though it was afternoon before, another fire had appeared and the meat was cooking, I couldn’t figure it, so I just took the meat and ate it when it finished, then when I was done, I thought about what had happened, now I understand it thanks to your analysis, my mind was merged to the simulator, so everything that I visualized, happened, in a way, it’s like I am the simulator, I can make it be whatever time of day I want, the weather, the ocean, where I am in the simulation, everything.”

Phineas, soaking in the new information, then said, “Wait, so that wind and the sandstorm, that was you?” Isabella nodded, “I saw you when you were on the beach and I figured you could use a push in the right direction” Phineas became confused, “But, how could you have seen me from all the way up there?” Isabella sighed, knowing he wouldn’t like how this conversation was going to end, “You see, another thing happened later on, but it took me a lot longer to understand, but this is what I’ve figured out, it makes more sense to me, especially now that I know what happened to me from yours and Ferb’s view, I don’t know if I’ll make much sense to you, but here goes. Since my body was in the simulation when it was destroyed, it died with it, only my mind managed to survive, when it was merged with the computer, me being here now isn’t my real body, I don’t have one anymore, this is kind of just a projection of the mind, all my mind knows about my body is what it looked like then, so when I wanted to be on the beach, it made my body as I remembered it appear, I can still feel and touch and all of my senses work, but it’s not really here, when you leave the simulation, my body won’t be there with you, I can’t leave here anymore. But the point is, when I think about it, I can make my body disappear, and when I do that, I can see everywhere in the Paradise, I could see you looking around, so I got you to come up to the point of Perfection, I wanted to be there to meet you again, but I’m really sorry I can’t come back with you, I wish I could, but I know now, there’s no possible way.”

Phineas had barely heard what she said beyond “…I can’t leave here anymore.”, however, as he thought about how much smarter she seemed to be now and how much more he wanted to ask her, he smiled at her, saying, “As long as I know you’re okay, as long as I can see you again in some way, I don’t care at all, you don’t know how happy I am to see you again.” Isabella felt relieved that Phineas wasn’t upset about her not being able to return to the real world, she had been sure he would go crazy trying to think of a way to get her back, like putting her mind in a lifeless body or something. Phineas started speaking again, “So, how much time passed for you, it must have been ages, since time slows down between here and the outside, or does it, I don’t even know anymore, how, how long has it been?” Isabella actually gave a bit of a puzzled expression at this one, “You know, I don’t really know anymore, since I just made it whatever time I felt like, I lost track of time once I realized exactly what had happened, it kind of feels like time doesn’t exist, even though it does, like it’s a dream or something, it never felt like much time had passed, the only times it would feel like that was when I thought of how much I missed you. I missed you so much, every day, like you, I guess, but I tried not to dwell on it too much, I spent time looking around the place, this Paradise is so beautiful, the other parts you haven’t seen yet, they’re amazing, yeah, but when I did start to think about you, Ferb and everything back in Danville, I would go somewhere where I could see it well and I’d make it sunset, or sunrise, since it at least gave me happy memories to think about, I’m so happy I can see you again, you look a lot different, too, I almost didn’t recognize you.” Isabella was the one to hug Phineas this time, the hug went on for almost 5 minutes, both just wanting to hold each other, until Phineas said something, without breaking the hug, “So, you can make it any time of day, right?” “Yeah, why, do you want me to change the time?” Phineas let go of her, as he said, “Well, time still doesn’t stay still in here anymore, so I should get back to Ferb before he gets worried, or before anyone sees this and tries to question us again, but, I had always regretted not getting to, can I have one more sunset with you first, if it was alright?” Isabella nodded her head again and closed her eyes for a few seconds, in which the sun suddenly appeared near the horizon again, it happened almost instantaneosly, but Phineas could still see it in his head, moving speedily through the sky before reaching the point it now hung at, looking as breathtaking as ever, he took Isabella’s hand watched the sun submerge through the waters with her, which took another 5 minutes.

When the last rays of light had dimmed down, leaving only a small amount of twilight remaining, Phineas turned to Isabella, kissing her again, not having done so for so long, he was glad he had done so before leaving again, he said as he let go, “I never stopped loving you” Isabella replied, “Me either” Phineas stood up and walked a few paces away from her, then said the exit simulation code he had engraved into his mind, able to recite it without needing to think about it, the world suddenly faded away, as it did, he called out, “I’m going to see you soon” but couldn’t be sure if she had heard, as he then felt the cool, salty breeze return to the still air of the simulation chamber.

Phineas burst out of the simulator to see Ferb sitting on the grass, patiently waiting for him, for how long he didn’t know, but he had to smile broadly as he said, “She’s still there!” Ferb returned the embrace that Phineas gave him, thanking God that both he and Isabella were still okay. Phineas pressed the button and caused the simulator to shrink back down to the tennis ball sized piece of machinery it wasn’t, which Phineas then pocketed, asking Ferb as they went back inside how long it had been, about half an hour as it turned out, though it seemed Ferb might be able to reduce how large a ratio between simulator time and realtime there was. Phineas spent the rest of the afternoon trying to explain to Ferb everything that happened, all with a huge smile across his face, even surprising his parents when they came home and saw that their son had the gleam in his eyes that had gone the day that Isabella disappeared, it was almost as if Phineas was alive again, for he was, his heart and soul pulsed through his body, as he knew that the next day he would, and did go back into the simulator once everyone had left, this time with Ferb, seeing Isabella and being together, having fun like they used to, just like it should have been, before the times changed.


Yes, that is the real end of Times Change, I actually did have this planned all along, I wanted to end the story in tragedy, but I knew I couldn’t do that to all of you, so I put the sadness in your hearts and heads before I gave you reason to rejoice, ahahaha! I laugh to myself now, it was so great! Well, I can honestly say, that there won’t be any more chapters on this story. I just looked at this again right before I published it and it occurred to me I may have gone a bit too crazy with the horizontal rulers, oh well. Also, to those who might have thought so, no, Phineas didn’t go emo because of what happened, he just grew up, but at the same time he just felt empty inside, people might confuse it with emo, just like goth can be sometimes lumped together with emo, but he wasn’t emo for the two years, just, dead and empty inside.

To really stick a pin in it for all of you, I finished writing this on the 27th of November, I held out on you guys and girls all this time, I wanted to give you a great Christmas present, hope you liked it, this was the secret project I mentioned on my profile, also. Now then, I know a lot of you must be asking why I named this chapter “Prologue”, I understand that’s a bit confusing and I should clear it up right now. Well I can’t think of anything else to say, uh, nope, that’s just about it, folks. Absolutely this is the end of this story, no more, it’s done, I hope you loved it now, especially this very, very long chapter, but now, FINALLY, Times Change, is complete.

Many thanks to all those who read and reviewed,


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