Phineas and Ferb Porn

Phineas and Ferb Porn Story: Times Change – Chapter 10

Phineas and Ferb Porn Story: Times Change – Chapter 10

to chapter 10, where, to celebrate me managing to write this much of
a story, also I need to move the story along, I’m going to do what
you guys probably think I should have done 3 or 4 chapters ago, of
course it’s your choice whether or not to believe that I’ll do it,
also, I’ve decided that I will end the story in tragedy, won’t that
be fun? Enjoy.

and Ferb worked for 3 straight hours to get the simulation working
again, with little results, it seemed that building the simulator was
a much easier task than repairing it, as Phineas went to get drinks
for he, Ferb and Isabella, who was the only one who hadn’t given up
hope and gone home. Apart from the obvious reason that she wanted to
be with Phineas, Isabella had realized that nothing would be as fun,
as incredible as the Paradise, or any of the simulations, if she ever
would get to see them. Though he had known that only Ferb would know
what to do, since he built it, Phineas tried his best to help, even
including Isabella where he could, which still wasn’t at many points,
she must love him to put up with 3 hours of sitting around to watch
Ferb strip back part after part of the outside of the sphere to find
what was wrong with each bit and attempt to fix it.

course she was going to be patient about this, she was already
waiting for him to be ready to kiss her, but how long would that
take, he asked himself. Returning with the drinks, Phineas handed
Ferb his, then asked quietly, “Hey Ferb, I gotta ask, do you
really need my help here, or is it okay if I take a break?”
Ferb, visually irritated, waved Phineas off and went back to work.
Phineas wondered why he was upset, it couldn’t have been just about
the simulator, but nothing else had happened recently that he could
think would be annoying him. Phineas dismissed the thought and went
over to Isabella, making a gesture that said both, “Come on,
lets go somewhere else” and, “I think Ferb wants to be
alone right now” Isabella took the drink he offered and followed
Phineas into the lounge room, where they started watching T.V in

and Isabella quickly got bored of the idiotic plots coming out of the
box and began reminiscing about all of the things they had done
together, laughing at how some of them had turned out, with Phineas
almost spitting his soda out at points. At one point about 15 minutes
after they had com in, when Phineas saw Isabella laughing as he
recovered from almost choking on the beverage, he became silent for
about 5 seconds, before putting his glass down and grabbing her hand,
leading her to the simulator. “Ferb, is it fixed yet?”
Phineas quickly said, not waiting to find out, rushing in, pulling
Isabella with him.

simulator is experiencing technical difficulties, current maximum
capacity is limited to allow 2.” The computer voice announced.
“Welcome, Phineas Flynn and Isabella Garcia-Shapiro. Please make
your selection” Phineas wasted no time in selecting the
Paradise, closing the door before Ferb could get in. “Final
confirmation. You have selected, ‘Paradise’, please step into a
lighted area and remove or turn off any wireless devices.”
Phineas had left his phone in his room by this point, unsure of what
would happen if he forgot to take it out. Isabella had still left her
phone off from the first time she had gone with Phineas and Ferb, so
she stepped into the lighted area near her, unsure of what Phineas
was doing, as he stepped into his, smiling broadly. “Uh,
Phineas, are you sure about this?” Isabella asked, wary of the
fact that the simulator wasn’t completely fixed yet, though she
simply got a bigger smile from Phineas.

the light erupted from underneath them, blocking their view of each
other. “Please
keep your hands and feet inside the light beam at all times, enjoy
your trip and remember, P and F productions makes every day an
adventure!” Outside, Ferb was worriedly looking at a monitor,
which was showing several fluctuating bars, moving from blue, to
green, some reaching a yellow state, but quickly returning to green
or blue, though he knew it was just a matter of time. Inside, Phineas
was again leading Isabella up a trail, though he wasn’t pulling her
this time, she was simply running behind him. Isabella was starting
to run out of breath, leaving her unable to ask what he was doing,
but became relieved as he slowed down, letting her catch her breath
at the flat point they were at, which Isabella thanked him for,
before realizing where they were, the Point of Perfection.

also realized that she was sitting on the same bench that she had
when she talked to Phineas, why would he be bringing her here? She
found out though, as Phineas took her hand and led her to the edge of
the point, which was shining in the orange/red setting sun, saying
five words that made her wonder if she really had died and gone to
heaven, “I need to know now”. At that, Phineas put his arms
around her and, before she had time to figure out who had managed to
replace the Phineas she knew mere minutes ago, pressed his lips to
hers, giving her the kiss she had only thought would have been
possible in a dream, it felt wonderful for both of them, even though
it only held for 3 seconds, ending when Phineas slowly let go,
feeling his lips as though they had gotten a part of Isabella stuck
to them, a part that he could feel with him forever.

then said something else, a sentence this time, “I had an
epiphany back at the house, I realized why I always found it easy to
smile when you were around, why I never got tired of hearing you say
what’cha doing, why I could only think of that one way to see if I
felt that way about you, and it’s because,” Phineas then hugged
her tightly, wanting to stress his next four words more than any in
his life as a single tear of happiness ran down his cheek, “I
love you, Isabella.” Isabella thought she would start crying
too, as she returned the hug, both of them staying like that, for how
long, they couldn’t say, they only knew that nothing could ruin this
for them, nothing at all……

Ferb became even more worried, as he saw a meter start rising past
the blue, the green and even the yellow, reaching the red level for a
split second, before falling back to the green…

you don’t know how good it feels myself to have been able to finally
write that down, it’s been eating at me. But as much as I really did
want to end it like that, I had to give the inkling that something
will happen in the next chapter, though now I’ve gotten 10 up, I’m
going to take some time to focus on (Un)Comfortable Silence, so don’t
expect an update on this for a while. Till next time, which may be a


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