Phineas and Ferb Porn Story: Dear Diary Chapter 3

Phineas and Ferb Porn Story: Dear Diary Chapter 3

I got a sudden inspiration for this chapter, and just sat down and typed it all up. No problems, no pauses, no writer’s block. I love it when stuff works like that.

Anyways, I think this chapter is my favorite so far, for more reason than one. So enjoy.

Dear Diary,

Im soooooo excited! I finally worked up the courage to ask Jeremy to the Night of the Falling Stars Girls Choice Dance thats tomorrow and guess what? He not only said yes, but he said that hed been waiting for me to ask him!

Waiting for me. He was waiting for me, specially. If Mindy had asked him, or Jenny, or Stacey, or anybody else, he wouldve said no. He wouldve said no because he was waiting for me. Isnt that the sweetest thing youve ever heard?

Anywaystheres only one thing I can think of now that sort of spoils my absolute joy. No, its not even that Phineas and Ferb got away with their scheme again- however annoying that is, thats typical. (Besides, I got more pie.) No, the one little thing thats kind of bugging me right now has to do with Isabella. I feel bad for her.

Its obvious that she has a major crush on Phineas. She follows him around everywhere. Shes always helping him. I think she even spends more time over at our house than she does at her own.

And Phineas is so oblivious to how much she likes him! I cant understand how he can be so clueless! I mean, she practically has hearts in her eyes every time she sees him! How can he not notice this?!

Even though I have no idea what she sees in my freaky brother, I still feel bad for her. I know what its like to have a crush. I mean, sometimes I think I have it pretty bad with Jeremy. Sometimes I realize midway through what Im saying that Im rambling on and on and embarrassing myself in front of him, and then I have to worry for the next twelve hours about exactly what he thought of me. Sometimes I see other girls, like Mindy, trying to flirt with him, and I get jealous. But still, I have it better than Isabella does.

There are times when I get the gist that Jeremy likes me back. Like when he said that his favorite fossil at the museum was the one with C + J scratched into it. And when he saved me a seat at the circus. And, of course, when he said that he was waiting for me to ask him to the dance.

But Phineas doesnt see Isabella as anything more than a friend, and he couldnt be any more obvious about that.

Poor, stupid Isabella has herself in a bad situation.

But the other day I couldve slapped Phineas. Seriously.

Apparently, after they landed that insane rocket, Isabella asked Phineas to the dance. And he said, sure, hed go. But he was completely clueless to the fact that Isabella wanted to go to the dance with him. Not with him and Ferb, as a group! Sometimes I wonder how that boy can be such a genius, and yet so stupid at the same time!

I only found out about that this morning, when I heard Phineas and Ferb talking (or actually, Phineas talking and Ferb listening) about the dance while they were eating breakfast.

Youre going? I asked him.

Yeah, Ferb and I both are, he said.

Who asked you? I asked.

Oh, nobody, were just going as a group with Isabella.

Thats when I knew that poor Isabella had fallen prey to Phineass stupidity yet again. Wait- Isabella asked you to go to the dance?

Well yeah, as a group thing, you know. He stood up. Oops, we forgot those blueprints in our room, Ferb. Ill go get them- be right back.

I watched him go up the stairs, heard him walk down the hallway, heard him start rummaging around up in his room. I was shocked by how oblivious he was, I felt bad for Isabella, and I was angry that she was suffering because of his stupidity. I could imagine her sitting in her room right now, crying her eyes out, because Phineas had, however unknowingly, pretty much rejected her. He had made it clear, once again, that he thought of her as nothing more than a friend.

I was this close to running up the stairs after Phineas and shouting in his face, shouting that Isabella liked him, and would he please grow a brain? In fact, I had already taken an angry step towards to stairs when I heard something behind me.

Dont tell him, Candace.

Huh? I turned around. Ferb was staring at me.

Whatd you say? I asked.

Dont tell him, Ferb repeated. Hes not ready to know.

Then he got up and went outside, and I was left standing in the kitchen, still angry and a little mystified.

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