Phineas and Ferb Porn

Phineas and Ferb Porn Story: A Fight to Live Chapter 3

Phineas and Ferb Porn Story: A Fight to Live Chapter 3


I believe we have a diagnosis. The doctor sounded serious. Mom and Dad looked nervous. Candace and Phineas were at school. I had a feeling it was something bad.

“The tests confirm that you have leukemia, Ferb. Acute lymphotic leukemia to be exact. You would be put on aggresive chemotherapy as soon as possible. Apparantly, your white blood count is dangerously high. It’s active and destructive.”

My heart started pounding. Cancer. I have cancer.

“We’re going to fight it.” Mom said in false confidence

“You’re strong and young.” Dad said in the same tone

“You knew, did’nt you.” I said quietly

“We did’nt want to tell you until the doctor was positive.” Mom said

“You should have warned me.” I accused

Then Phineas and Candace came in.

“What happened?” Candace asked

I looked at Mom and Dad. They knew what that ment and walked away.

“Did the doctors find out?” Phineas looked scared

“It’s leukemia.” I tried not to let my voice crack

“On no.” Candace said

“It’s very active and destructive.” I added

Phineas did’nt say anything. We all did’nt say anything.

“I’ll leave you two alone.” Candace said and walked out.

It was just the two of us now. Phineas turned around.

“I had a feeling it was something bad.” I said

He did’nt answer.

“You knew it too.”

No answer.

“But you thought it was a mistake.”

Phineas turned around.

“I did’nt see it coming.” he said quietly.

I saw his eyes filled with tears. Then he started crying. i did’nt know what to do. I never saw him fall apart like that. I held him close and started crying too.

My normal life suddenly slipped away from me.

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