Phineas and Ferb Porn

Phineas and Ferb Porn Story: A Fight to Live Chapter 20

Phineas and Ferb Porn Story: A Fight to Live Chapter 20


I opened my eyes. Everyone was around me. Tears filled my eyes. It felt so good to be alive.

“Someone must’ve been watching over you.” Phineas whispered

“Whatever it is, you’re alive.” Candace said

“I wanted to hold on so hard.” I managed to say.

“We thought we were going to lose you.” Mom said

“I’m glad we did’nt.” Dad said

“I want to live.” I said “I’ll fight for it if I have to. No matter what, I’m staying.”

Dr. Jefferson came in. “You made a remarkable turn, Ferb.” she said to me “I’ve never seen anyone so determined to live.”

“We did’nt know he would.” Mom said

Phineas held my hand.

“It turns out, there’s another miracle.” Dr. Jefferson said “There seems to be no sign of the cancer in your bone marrow. Your body is just weak. With proper rest, you’ll recover.”

I could’nt believe what I was hearing. “Is that true?” Dad asked. Phineas and Candace sat, speechless.

Dr. Jefferson smiled. “A true miracle indeed. If nothing else happens for the next two days, I’m kicking you out.” she got up and left

“I can’t believe it.” I said after she left

“It’s hard to believe that you……” Phineas did’nt finish his sentence

“I knew you were there.” I said quietly “I heard your voice telling me to hold on.”

“We’ll leave you two alone if you want.” Mom said

“That’s fine.” I said and they left.

“I lived to see the new year.” I said

“Then, a few seconds later, your heart gave out.” he said

“I felt so scared. I tried to hold on. Everything was dark and memories flew by. It made me want to hold on to life even more.”

“I stayed with you after your heart gave out. A few minuted later, I felt your hand holding mine.”

“When I started coming back, I started to hear everything and I felt your hand on mine.”

Phineas looked up. “I never saw anyone fight as hard as you.” he said, smiling

I smiled back.

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